The Lehigh Valley Wine Trail will be holding their annual Wine on the Mountain event this coming weekend. In the 9th iteration of the event vinters from across the Lehigh Valley will be pouring at Penn’s Peak in Jim Thorpe. The event is going on Saturday, July 28th and Sunday, July 29th from noon to 5pm both days.
This event is one of the best the wine community in the Lehigh Valley offers. Penn’s Peak is a great venue and offers a beautiful vista out on their patio. You can grab a bottle from one of the local wineries and enjoy it with the sweeping view after you make the rounds tasting all day. In addition to the wine tasting they always have some vendors there with kitchen gadgets, crafts, and foodie items (balsamic, sauces, etc). There’s only light fare available (not included in ticket price) so it’s best to show up on a full stomach. Music on Saturday will be provided by Billy Bauer and on Sunday will be provided by the Jake Kaligis Dynamic Duo.
Tickets for the event are $14 in advance and available online or at local wineries. Tickets at the door are $16 (includes tasting glass) and $8 (ouch) for designated drivers. All tastersalso get a wine tasting glass with entry.