We first told you about Brett Hop’solutely back in February, but the release date is finally here. Tomorrow The Brew Works is releasing this special version of their triple IPA at both locations in 750ml corked & caged bottles.
The base beer is regular Hop’solutely, a huge 11.5% triple IPA, a staple of The Brew Works’ flagship line. It’s fermented with 100% brettanomyces, a wild yeast that lends beers a funkier, different taste than traditional ale and lager yeasts. Three pallets of this beer were produced, so get it while you can. Kegs will be appearing in the Lehigh Valley and Philadelphia.
We got our hands on a pre-release bottle and gave it a try. The Brew Works aged this for 4 months prior to release to ensure that the beer gained the classic brett flavor, something that develops over time and isn’t necessarily readily apparent immediately after bottling. The aging allowed the true colors of the special yeast to shine, giving the beer a hazy appearance and a fruiter, smoother flavor. We’d recommend grabbing two bottles: one to try now compared to the regular Hop’solutely, and cellar for a while and allow the hops to fade and brettanomyces to further develop and influence the taste, and doing the side-by-side again in 6 months to a year.