It looks like things are kicked into high gear over at the former Tap and Table space. Jenn Funkand John Kerstetter are heading up the bar with lots of craft beer and they plan to have a kick off party on Thursday, May 26th at 6pm. They may have a soft opening at an earlier date still in the air.
They’ll be featuring the same awesome craft beer bar that the Tap & Table was known for, only under a new name, The Trapp Door. They plan to have pub food featuring local and homegrown ingredients, simiular to what The Farmhouse down the street does. Better yet, they’ll continue to have live music on Tuesdays from 8-11pm and Fridays 9pm-12am. More information to come.
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[…] operation. First, they’re set to open either May 16th or 17th. Their grand opening party, which we reported earlier, will be May 26th. Former Tap & Table bartender Jennifer Funk, and one of our favorite […]