Two New Allentown Spots

by theelvee_w2oe3m

Taking over at former 4 Aces Grill at 1301 W Hamilton St in Allentown will be the Continental Restaurant.  The restaurant will feature an interesting mix of Latin, American, and Italian cuisine and serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  The previous occupant, 4 Aces, opened in 2009 and shuttered in 2011.  Continental is expected to open very soon.

Singh’s Bar and Grill has also opened in Allentown at 448 N 9th Street in Allentown.  Formerly Cannon’s, this bar seems to have taken a step back from what it once was.  At one time Cannon’s was a well-loved corner bar with live entertainment, great food, and a respectable beer list (Sierra Nevada, Victory, Brooklyn, North Coast, Chimay, Orval, etc).  The bar looks to be now a shell of its former self, still sporting half Cannon’s signs and half Singh’s signs.  The inside was still being repaired, although open for business and didn’t look very inviting.  No food is served (yet? Grill is in the name…) and all of the good beer is gone.  Shame that what was once a beloved business has been reopened into just another crappy dive.  Maybe it’ll get better with time, but based on a quick stop in that’s doubtful.

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Nittany Lion February 21, 2012 - 4:42 pm

I think I’ll be skipping Singh’s! Thanks for the head’s up as I used to hear good things about Cannons. Would love to go to Liberty St more if they would make non-smoking.

Leo February 22, 2012 - 12:24 am

You do an admirable job with updates, great stuff but I would love some more restaurant reviews.

The El Vee February 22, 2012 - 12:29 am

Thanks. Have a few in the works, I know that part has been lacking lately. Want to get back to doing one every two weeks at least. Cheers!

Ethan March 7, 2012 - 1:17 am

I just saw the Continental tonight, on my way through town. I hope it’s good! I’m only a few blocks away, and having anywhere in walking distance is a plus. We need more places up my way in the not-quite-West-End.

Bob March 20, 2012 - 11:52 am

Thanks for the update. It is sad that the former 4 Aces location is having difficulty maintaing a running business. I’d think that it should be a good location for a casual eatery. It needs something like a Cali Burrito or an independent Primo’s type place.

As far as Singh’s is concerned, that is truly a shame. I used to frequent Cannon’s, probably since before you were born up until about 6 or 7 years ago.. It was always a great place. The neighborhood changed quite a bit and from what I was told the final nail in the coffin was an assault with a knife that took place as an acquaintance of mine was leaving the bar.

We do need places in town that have good food and drink at reasonable prices. Some of my friends that live in the historic district complain that there are very few places to go for breakfast or lunch on weekends. The problem is that most places are only open for lunch during the week. They don’t open on weekends because the business isn’t there and the business isn’t there because the places aren’t open.


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