West End Gastro Club Announces First Dinner

by theelvee_w2oe3m

We brought you the news of the West End Gastro Club forming last month.  They just announced their first pop-up dinner at the West End Youth Center on January 20th at 6:30pm. Tickets are $55 and include 5 courses and complimentary beer pairings courtesy of Hijinx Brewing and the Lehigh Valley Homebrewers.  The first 25 people to register will receive a free gift as well.  You can purchase your ticket by heading over here, going to the bottom of the page, and using Google Checkout.  Here’s the menu:

Sweet potato blini
duck confit/onion jam
First Course 
Shrimp and grits
chorizo/ quail egg/ tomato seafood jus

Second Course
cumin pork/ plantains/ tomato onion relish/ avocado crema

Third Course
“Duck with Rice”
Cilantro-Pea Rissotto/ Roasted Red Pepper Puree 

Fourth Course
Cider Braised Boar belly
roasted applesauce/root vegetable gratin 
Fifth Course
“Patio Dessert”
strawberry tart/ whipped cream/ pistachios

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Linda moyer January 16, 2012 - 7:43 pm

If there are tickets left I’d to purchase 2

The El Vee January 16, 2012 - 10:24 pm

Linda, shoot them an email at westend.gastroclub@gmail.com. They may have some tickets left over.

The El Vee January 16, 2012 - 10:24 pm

Linda, shoot them an email at westend.gastroclub@gmail.com. They may have some tickets left over.

West End Gastro Club Announces First Dinner | Westend GastroClub May 24, 2012 - 5:15 pm

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